Hi, I’m Nancy!

Welcome to my whole food plant-based life.

My name is Nancy Trepany and I am a dog mom, avid traveler, and whole-food plant-based junkie.

When I’m not taking photos, you can find me at the gym, exploring the outdoors, or following the Barefoot Contessa’s sage advice of using ‘really good ingredients’ to make something delicious.

My Journey


I started my journey in September 2020. When 2020 hit, I was in a funk. I was tired of keeping false promises to myself of “I’ll start tomorrow”. My times I tried to follow a diet and workout schedule that wasn’t sustainable for me. So I stumbled upon a book called The Starch Solution, and it changed the game.

Within 8 months, I lost 25 lbs, grew a passion for running, and have more energy than I know what to do with. I followed a high-carb, low-fat plant-based diet and never looked back.

My goal is to help you make sense of a plant-based and to get in the best shape of your life.

”Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.”